
Impressions of Pen Y Fan

I thought climbing Pen Y Fan was one of the hardest things I have done but still exciting.
When I started walking Pen Y Fan I felt that I wasn't going to make it as it was so steep.
When I reached the top of the mountain I felt a sense of achievement because it was the first mountain I had ever climbed.
When I got back down I felt really tired and happy.
(By Samuel)

I thought climbing Pen Y Fan was really tiring but really fun! When I started walking, I felt a bit nervous and excited. When I reached the top, I felt successful because this is the first time I reached the highest mountain in South Wales. In my old country - Hong Kong - there is no such big mountain and I was amazed by the view an dlandscape, so I took loads of pictures! When I made it back down, I felt I was really lucky to have had the chance to walk up a big mountain. Overall, I really enjoyed the walk!
(By Hanley)

I thought climbing Pen Y Fan was awesome and slightly exhausting in some parts. The path was rocky and the sight was beautiful. When I started walking I thought 'Here we go again!'. When I reached the top I was relieved. We had finally done it. When we went back down it was much quicker. I counted 108 gutters! Overall it was a great experience.
(By William J)

I thought climbing Pen Y Fan was exhilarating. When I started walking I thought it was unreal. When I reached the top I felt like it was a dream. When I made it back down I felt like I was on top of the world.
(By Thomas L)

For me, climbing Pen Y Fan was great; the hard trekking up part way; the windy trampling downhill; the balancing acts across river stepping stones; all of this made for a unique experience, which, in my opinion was one of 7W's biggest achievements together. I'm proud to be able to now say to my friends that I have successfully climbed an 886 meter mountain.
(By Nilo)

I thought climbing Pen Y Fan was very fun and exciting but scary at the same time. When I started walking it was very boring but as I got higher it got better and better. When I got to the top I was so happy with myself and got really excited. When I got back to the bottom I saw how much I had walked.
(By Zak)

I thought climbing Pen Y Fan was extremely tough but exciting. When I started walking I felt brisk and pacey. When I reached the top I felt exhausted but content. When I made it back down I felt exhilarated.
(By DJ)

I thought climbing Pen Y Fan was an incredible achievement but tiring at the same time. Nevertheless, it was still really fun.
When I started walking I thought I would struggle a bit but I had a great time and when I reached the summit I thought just that.
When I reached the top I felt like I was the King of the World and I couldn't get beaten by anything.
When I made it back down I felt like I had just climbed the biggest mountain but it was only 886 m (the biggest mountain in South Wales).
(By Jon)

I thought climbing Pen Y Fan was HARD. When I started walking I thought UH-OH. When I reached the top I thought YES, I MADE IT! When I made it back down I thought THANK GOD, NO MORE WALKING.
(By Reuben)
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